Matthias Giraud talks BASE jumping, wingsuits and big wave surfing…


Rogue Mag - Matthias Giraud talks BASE jumping, wingsuits and stepping into big wave surfing...

How did you get into BASE jumping?

I got into BASE jumping through meeting one of the legends of the sports, Shane McConkey. Shane gave me pointers on how to get started and recommended that I get 100 skydives first. So, I picked up skydiving. After having a bunch of jumps under my belt, I order my BASE jumping parachute and went to the Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls, Idaho (USA) where I did my first jumps with the help of Jesse Hall. We got 9 jumps in the first day, it was unreal! It got me hooked from the first jump!

What’s the biggest jump you’ve ever done?

This has been a recurring question over the years. I think many people associate heights with fear. My Biggest jump was probably jumping off the Eiger. But, I think was people need to understand when it comes to BASE jumping is that the higher the jump, the safer it is. I have jumped object around 230 feet which doesn’t live much time to recover from any problems with you gear (about 10 to 15 seconds from take off to landing)

What’s the most terrifying jump you’ve ever done?

The most terrifying jump I’ve done was definitely the highest and first ski BASE jump off the Matterhorn in Switzerland. The whole experience was terrifying from getting lower by a cable onto the mountain by a helicopter, to clipping a rock that took off my right ski on take off and finally landing on the glacier between crevasses. It was super intense but if you’re not hurt or not dead, it was a successful jump!

What was your most memorable jump?

My most memorable jump was probably the time I escaped an avalanche by ski BASE jumping off the Aiguille Croche in Megeve, France. Ski BASE jumping is my favorite sport because it combines the beauty of skiing amazing mountains and the intensity of BASE jumping off a massive cliff. I see it as the big wave surfing off skiing, the most intense ride you can get on skis. That day in Megeve was probably one of the most defining moments in my life!

How do you practice? Surely there’s no room for mistakes!

For skiing, the best practice is skiing itself obviously but strength and balance training in general are very good for staying alert and strong. For BASE jumping, the best way to train is to stay current. I try to jump several times a week off cliffs or bridges. Otherwise, skydiving is a good alternative even though it is less intense.

When you’re not throwing yourself off high stuff, what else do you like to do? We hear you’re getting into big wave riding?

I absolutely LOVE surfing! There are pretty much only three things I want to do in life: skiing big mountains, jumping off cliff and surfing. I have been surfing for 17 years now and just recently decided to step it up and focus on surfing bigger and bigger waves. I have a lot to learn still because surfing a 10 or 14 foot waves is not the same as surfing a 30ft+ wave but I’ll get there! I try to surf as often as possible even though skiing, BASE jumping and training take up a lot of my time.

Sounds like you’ve got some exciting plans for more extreme adventures, like the first ski BASE jumps in the Alps… Tell us more!

Ha! Well, I have a couple first big mountain ski BASE jumping descent coming up this year that will be a combination of ski mountaineering, big mountain skiing and BASE jumping off some prestigious peaks. I will be climbing for 5hr+ with all my skiing, climbing and BASE jumping gear to access some of the most exposed terrain in the Alps. It’s going to be very exciting so stay posted!

Rogue Mag - Rogue Mag - Matthias Giraud talks BASE jumping, wingsuits and stepping into big wave surfing...

Would you say wingsuit flying is a natural progression from jumping?

Wingsuit flying is definitely a progression of BASE jumping. As you get into the sport you are thinking about learning tricks and doing flips off objects. Once you evolve as a jumper, you are seeking longer and longer freefalls. Eventually, you want to reach the level where you can actually fly your body for a while which requires a wingsuit. From there, you can set new goals such as flying close to objects (also called proximity flying) which is also my next step.

There must be a tight community within the BASE jumping scene, do you guys support each other?

The BASE jumping community is absolutely fantastic. It is such a great sport with a small community that everybody has everybody’s back. We watch out for each other, we care about each other and we want to keep each other safe. But, the greatest part is that people generally respect each other choice and won’t tell you what to do. A lot of sports like skydiving have lost their spirit of adventure because of regulations. BASE jumping is free from all restrictions. The only rules that apply are to not endanger others and to not kill yourself! Everything else is fair game.

Any final words?

What I would like to end with is ask the the audience what their would do if they had no restrictions? What would it take to live free of regrets and feel fulfilled? Each and every one of us only has one chance at it, so make it a good life and dare to take the leap!

Rogue Mag - Rogue Mag - Rogue Mag - Matthias Giraud talks BASE jumping, wingsuits and stepping into big wave surfing...


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